Thursday, September 23, 2010

Fighting Against Defamation Online

By Peggie Zavarell

Alternative to Fighting Against Defamation Online

We all hope for a certain kind of immortality, but the kind some people find is bad. A negative comment written about a person or a business, whether valid or not, can persist and persist and continue to cause problems for years. It can wreak a business, prevent a person from getting a job. In short, you can be remembered for that terrible thing somebody said about you.

It's not hopeless, though. A medium as capable and versatile as the Internet will always produce some options for you. In this case, one option is reputation repair services. These services know how search engines work, and help you scrub your online reputation of all that negative stuff. Like an Internet colonic.

New Weapon Against Defamation Online

Search engines speak the language of traffic, knowing only that stuff that gets linked to is, as far as users are concerned, the most important. So reputation repair services use search engine optimization to basically generate content to fill up those top pages and force the bad stuff way, way down, into the darkest basement of the search results.

This is the 21st-century version of putting your best face forward. The positive content that replaces the bad stuff ensures that whoever searches for you gets a friendlier impression of you or your business. And you never had to deploy a lawyer, make a crank phone call, or challenge anyone to a dual to get your good name restored. It doesn't get easier, I promise.

Fighting Against Defamation Online

For those of you who have never crossed paths with the wrong person, you might still find this useful. Because the reputation repair services can use search engine optimization to push your name up to the top of the search results. Remember, even online, the cream rises to the top. We don't ever forget that, do we?

So many rules. So many rules. The Internet is maybe the biggest, weirdest game in human history. And you better believe you've got a piece on the board. If you're reading this, you've already rolled the dice. So it's never too early to start thinking about what that online self is, and what it could be. You'll want to maintain control of it early on, because you can be sure somebody else will try to if you turn your back. In the inhuman world of the Internet, people are still only human.

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