Monday, October 4, 2010

Funny Dumb Blonde Jokes

By Glen Madell

Q: What did the blond do when she missed the 66 bus? A: She took the 33 bus twice instead.

Q: What do you call a blond behind a controls? A: An air bag.

Q: Why does a blonde change her baby's diapers every month? A: Because it says about the box: "good for up to 20 pounds."

Q: What's the difference between blondes and McDonald's? A: A blonde serves more and more people in a night.

Q: Exactly what does a blonde do very first thing in the morning? A: She goes home!

Q: Did you learn about the dumb blonde couple that were found frozen to death within their car at a drive-in cinema? A: They went to see "Closed for that Winter".

Q: What do you call a really smart blonde? A: A golden retriever.

Q: Why did the blonde keep a coat hanger in her own back seat? A: Just in case she locks the keys in her car.

Q: Exactly what does a blond along with a beer bottle have in common? A: They're both empty in the neck up.

Q: What goes VROOM, SCREECH,VROOM, SCREECH,VROOM, SCREECH? A: A blonde going through a flashing red light.

Q: Why did the blonde scale the glass wall? A: To see that which was on the other hand.

Q: What did the blonde say when she looked into a box of Cheerios? A: "Oh look! Donut seeds!"

Q: Why did the blonde take her typewriter towards the doctor? A: She thought it had been pregnant because missed a period of time.

Q: How do you obtain a blondes eyes to twinkle? A: Shine a flash light in her own ears.

Q: How can you make a blonde laugh on Saturday? A: Tell her a tale on Wednesday.

Q: What can you call it whenever a blonde dies their head of hair brunette? A: Artificial intelligence.

Q: Why is it good to have a blonde passenger? A: You are able to park in the handicap zone.

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