Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How Do I Detect Bed Bug Infestation?

By Amber Green

The main food of bed bugs consists of blood from warm-blooded animals, like the blood of humans. Keeping this fact in mind, you have to create safeguards so that this insect could not get to feed on you. Nonetheless, there may have been moments when your security measures fall short and bed bugs may have sneaked into your home without your knowledge.

What are the signs & symptoms of a bed bug infestation? There are 2 common signs, and they are as follows:

1. Bed Bug Rash

The rash starts with an itching feeling. You won't be able to see the rash at first but it will definitely feel itchy. They are itchier than mosquito bites, and the itch can be felt only after a time period of minimum one hour. Sometimes, the rash comes out only a few days or weeks later.

You can detect a bed bug rash when it has a small, round and red bump that looks more swollen than a mosquito rash. Sometimes, the rash looks similar to a bite mark in sequence. If you think you may have bed bug rash, a few days of examining it wouldn't hurt. Long-term itching is caused by the rash, lasting for days. Also, a bed bug rash doesn't heal as quickly as mosquito bites. Sometimes, they remain swollen for weeks.

2. Bed Bug Smell

The next tell tale sign is bed bug smell. What kind of an odor does it have?

A hotel where there's plenty of bed bug infestation has an obnoxious, musty smell that bed bugs release. Under the mattresses & headboard are common places where they can be smelled. If your sofas have cracks, check if they've got bed bug odor. They are also sometimes have bed bug infestation.

You should contact pest control experts at once if you think your house is invaded by bed bugs. Afterwards, you should create pest control rules to prevent bed bugs from re-invading your house.

Why do you have to take the trouble of applying pest control measures for your household? Although you assume that nothing will compel you to move, you might, someday, be selling your house because of some reason. No matter how attractive your home is from the outside, real estate brokers and buyers would steer clear of it if they see marks of pest infestations. For example, termite colonies found along the foundation of your residence are big hindrances for likely buyers. Moreover, lending institutions generally deny loan applications with residences used as collaterals if they discover that the house is overriden with pests; like potential buyers, banks perceive pest-infested houses as bad investments. You could treat the amount you pay for an expert pest control company to estimate the cost and accomplish pest eradication in your home as an investment for the future value of your home.

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