Monday, December 13, 2010

Home Based Business - Show Your Personality With Emails

By Brian Lett

If you are someone who owns a home based business, and want to achieve optimal success, you have be start building your email opt-in list. It is with this list that you will be building your customer base. The one thing that you must keep in mind, however, is the fact that when someone joins your subscription list, they do not immediately want to be bombarded with offers. Rather, they want information. By giving them the information which they seek, you will be setting yourself up for making sales with your home based business in the future.

For starters, you need to keep in mind that the first decision which a reader needs to make after joining your subscription, is whether or not to read your emails. Therefore, you have to come up with compelling subject lines. Your subject line will set the tone for the remainder of your email. If your subject line is generic and boring, chances are that your email will be deleted.

One way to get a person's attention is by using their name in the subject line. This is an option which is provided by the top auto-responder services. You can even repeat their name within the content of the email so that the reader feels as though you are speaking directly to them. Essentially, when the reader subscribes to you list, they give their name. Therefore, you are able to insert a code in the email which tells the auto-responder program to use the name which the subscriber gave when they signed up.

After The Initial Email Message

At this stage, you still are building a relationship with your subscribers. The focus of the relationship is on giving your readers what they are looking for. What they are looking for is information. Remember that this information should be unique, and highly relevant to the niche market in which you operate. In my opinion, it is not yet the time to begin promoting your products or services. The focus of the communication must be on providing valuable information to your readers. By allowing your subscribers to get to know you, you will gain their trust.

Once you have sent four or five emails, you will have provided your readers with a decent amount of useful content. This is the time to begin introducing your readers to the offers of your home based business. Make sure that your offers are never the focus of your email. Rather, useful information should always be the focus of your email, supplemented by the recommendation of a useful product or service. The key when introducing the product or service is to show your subscribers how it can solve a want or need which they may have.

One of the most effective sales techniques, is including a comparison of what you offer, and what your competitors both offer, and fail to offer. This gives your subscribers an assurance that going with your offer is the best decision for them. Once satisfied customers begin to email you with their success stories, ask for permission to use those stories for your business. There probably is nothing stronger in terms of marketing, than a verifiable third party testimonial from a highly satisfied customer.

One thing that you should do each an every time that you compose an email is to create suspense for the following email. Briefly outline what information your subscribers will be receiving in the following email so that they can look forward to it in anticipation. Make sure that you also provide your subscribers with an avenue to contact you, whether it be an email address or a phone number. This will further enhance the bond which you will develop with your subscribers.

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