Saturday, December 25, 2010

The Right Way to Create Landing Pages

By Melissa Bradley

It takes more than honed design skills to make a landing page that converts. It takes a lot of time and effort to see to all of the details involved so that you will get the sales you want. It's about understanding the relationship between the customer and his wants. A landing page isn't just a page where traffic will land; it is a page where people will learn how to continue their journey. In this article we'll be looking at three important landing page tips that will help you increase your conversions.

Keeping your page lightweight is just one design tip you should heed. In other words, if your landing page isn't loading quickly, then you need to roll up your sleeves and work on it. This means that, on average, your landing page should load completely within 3 to 5 seconds on a computer with a normal connection to the internet. If you see that it's taking longer, then you'll have to make the necessary changes. Your page's loading speed will depend upon several things like large graphics, pictures, "heavy" code, etc. You need to do a thorough analysis of the page to figure out what is making the page take longer to load and then change those elements. For example: if you notice that your site's graphics are heavy or slowing things down, remove them. Your aim is to create a landing page that loads well and looks perfect to every person who visits it. Besides which, the simpler and lighter weight your page is, the more buyers you will have. Having a simple page makes it easier for you to pass along your message to site visitors which makes it easier for them to buy from you.

Use short paragraphs on your landing page. That's it. This is very important because short paragraphs make it easier for your visitors to read your words--long paragraphs are harder on the eyes. In fact, your visitors might just get intimidated by looking at the large chunks of content. Your landing page's readability will shoot up considerably if your paragraphs are limited to 2 or 3 sentences. Making sure that your paragraphs are small can help you achieve this which should be your primary goal.

Offer a strong, no holds barred guarantee. It's the easiest and the most profound way to lower the risk and boost your conversion rate. Your aim here should be to make your guarantee believable and highly impressive. You need to make your guarantee period longer if you are offering a full refund as these are the most efficient. This is mainly because it shows your confidence in the product and secondly, by the time the deadline comes, the buyer would forget about it and just keep the product without asking for a refund

All in all, if you want to create a profit pulling landing page, then you have to keep the above tips in mind. These are not the only tips that will help you; keep an eye out for other tips that you can find so that your conversion rate will continue to improve. Make sure to be patient: getting the best conversion rate will take lots of testing and changes before things gel completely. One day you'll see that the work you put into your business was worth it.

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